--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Couple months ago I was finishing up teaching a class. As everyone gathered their things, two women came into the Studio. Both beautifully dressed in office attire, they began to inquire about class times. As I spoke, both nodded their heads and smiled enthusiastically; it seemed like they were ready to give yoga a try. One looked to the other -- “What about the Noon Power class tomorrow?” “Oh, nooooo . . . “ she protested with a wide smile, “I have to go shopping for this.”

What matters is showing up on your mat. In your ratty sweats, your Target sale pants, or whatever. Whether it’s at Uttara, at the gym, at home. Whether it’s your first class, your 50th class, or your I-cannot-even-count class.
Yoga is a practice. It’s not a start, and a finish. There’s never “you’re done, that’s it.” Yoga is constant change; constant evolution; constant exploration. Meeting yourself, whoever and wherever you are, and going for it.
And so with life. You have to show up. You HAVE to participate. You need to get in the game, be ready to face down your fears, embrace change, and figure it out. You have been given profound gifts from God; you have gifted yourself with incredible blessings and challenges. Whether you know it or not, you are on a mission to meet them.
There’s nothing wrong with waiting to find the perfect yoga pants; nothing wrong with getting that really fabulous eco-friendly wonder mat. It is okay to want to plan, to prepare, to set yourself up for success.
But at the end of the day, whether it’s your yoga mat, your meditation cushion or your life; planning and thinking and dreaming will only take you so far.
You gotta show up.
Thanks for the reminder! Needed the boost. :)