“Ohhhh, wow, Ms.
Loftis! You’re really great at yoga!” My daughter’s friend kept watching. It used to bother me to be watched during practice;
but, I have three children -- at this point, it feels like part of the practice
to just let that whole thing go and keep flowing.
I snap to attention.
My brilliant, beautiful daughters – I have two of them, and when I say they are brilliant and beautiful it is truth -- I do not brag. I have taught them. And this is the result?
Apparently -- not with
words, but with action – I have taught them not to own their amazingness; to
dodge compliments; to avoid praise. I
have taught them the complete opposite of my words. I can tell them all day, all week, all year,
that they are smart, resourceful, amazing women. But when they listen to me avoid praise,
diffuse compliments; to not come into my own being. That is what they remember, they recall; it
is what they live.
A few months later a
dear friend’s daughter posts this to Facebook right at Valentines’ Day:
on past relationships, I realized my best one ever was with myself. I took
myself on the best dates, always knew just what to buy me, never forgot to tell
myself I looked nice, rarely fought with me, didn't have to wait around for me
to call, spending time with me was always a blast, and when I was being a bitch
to me i didn't even get angry. Maybe I'll take me out for valentine's day. I
love me.”
Then I realized; this child’s mother – she taught her well. Or maybe; just maybe; she arrived with the knowledge.
Either way, it shines and light for me and for my girls - ooohhhhh goodness;
Goddess Bless; this Mamma has sooooo much work to do.
Thank you Jill for that powerful reminder........
Nice, Jill. But, like anything else, there's a balance to be struck. Maybe you've modeled for your daughters how to be strong on the inside and humble on the outside. A true, and lasting, sign of strength...